Welcome to Ilkeston u3a

Who we are
Ilkeston u3a is member-led and self-funded. We organise a range of educational, recreational, creative, and social activities. These activities are mainly for older people in the local area and run at minimal cost. Ilkeston u3a is a Registered Charity, Number 1184754. Membership is open to anyone, there is no upper or lower age limit for membership. If you are retired, semi-retired, working part-time or in flexible employment please give us a try.
It’s local, social, friendly, and fun!
What we do
We have 35 different interest groups at the moment to get involved with. There is something on most weekdays, although we don’t recommend you try them all at once! From Bridge to Bowls, Dancing to Dining, Patchwork to Poetry there’s sure to be something for everyone. Check them out by clicking the button below.
Held on the first Tuesday of each month, 10am – 12 noon, The Arena Conference Room, 1 Rutland Street, Ilkeston. DE7 8DG (opposite Tesco).
The meeting is open to all members, visitors, and prospective members (people thinking about joining). Light refreshments are available. You can mingle and chat, find out about what’s going on, what’s coming up, and catch up with friends. More often than not there is an invited guest speaker. Entrance fee: Members 50p, Visitors £2.50
Read our latest edition here. Ilkeston u3a Newsletter is usually published monthly, about a week before the Open Meetings. Members are encouraged to contribute items for inclusion and these can be emailed anytime to newsletter@ilkestonu3a.org.uk
Check for the latest news about upcoming events or news items HERE
Learn, Laugh, Live, that’s our motto, and we like to do it with gusto!
Do something brilliant today, join Ilkeston u3a!