We have a varied range of lively and stimulating Interest Groups which meet at individual various locations and are run by members of that group. Each group is self financing and, depending on the activity, there may be a small charge per session to cover the cost of room hire and any other relevant expenses of that group.
Each group decides on its own programme and structure and all members are encouraged to contribute. A new group can be started at any time provided it has a leader and interested members.
To join any of the interest groups you will need to become a fully paid-up member of Ilkeston U3A so that you are covered by our Third Party insurance.
For more details about each group please click on the name of the group.
The Interest Groups we have to date are shown below. Each Group Leader can be contacted via a contact form on the relevant Group page should you require further information or if you wish to join.
Group | Frequency | Day of the month | Time | Venue |
Book Group 2 | Monthly | Last Tuesday | 2 - 4 | Members' homes |
Bowls | 2 x Monthly (May to September) | 1st and 3rd Monday | 1 - 3 | Stanton Clubhouse |
Bridge | 2 x monthly | 2nd and 4th Thursday | 2 - 4 | Rutland Cottage |
Brush Strokes for Beginners | Monthly | 2nd Wednesday | 2 - 4 | Ilkeston fire station |
Canasta | 2 x Monthly | 1st and 3rd Monday | 2 - 4 | Rutland Cottage |
Cluedo | Monthly | First Wednesday | 2 - 4 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Conversational French | Monthly | 4th Thursday | 2 - 4 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Crafts | Monthly | 4th Wednesday | 10 - 12 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Crafts 2 | Monthly | 1st Wednesday | 10 - 12 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Dancing | Monthly | 3rd Tuesday | 2 - 3 | Trefoil House |
Dining Out | Monthly | Various | For Lunch | Various |
Discussion Group | Monthly | 4th Monday | 10.30 - 12.30 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Family History | Monthly | 2nd Thursday | 2 - 4 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
French Topic Studies | 2 x monthly | 2nd & 4th Monday | 2 - 4 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Games | Monthly | 3rd Wednesday | 2 - 4.30 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Gardening | Monthly (Feb to Nov) | Last Friday | 10 - 12 | Various |
German | 2 x Monthly | 1st & 3rd Monday | 2 - 4 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Golf | Monthly | First Monday | 10.00 - 11.00 | Various courses |
Handbells | Monthly | 4th Friday | 2.30 - 4.30 pm | Ilkeston Fire Station |
History 1 | Monthly | 3rd Friday | 10 - 12 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
History 2 | Monthly | 2nd Wednesday | 10 - 12 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Knit and Stitch | Monthly | 4th Tuesday | 2 - 4 pm | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Maths for Fun | Monthly | 2nd Friday | 10 - 12 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
MOTO Plus | Monthly (minimum) | 2nd Friday | 10.30 | Hogarths |
Patchwork & Quilting | Monthly | 3rd Tuesday | 1.30 - 4 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Play Reading Group | 2 x monthly | 1st & 3rd Fridays | 1.30 - 4.15 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Poetry for Pleasure | Monthly | 2nd and 4th Wednesday | 2 - 3.30 | Zoom |
Quiz Group | Monthly | 3rd Thursday | 2 - 4.30 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Ramblers | Monthly | 3rd Wednesday | 9.30 | The Great Outdoors |
DNRS Science (Definitely Not Rocket Science) | Monthly | 4th Tuesday | 10 - 12 | Ilkeston Fire Station |
Scrabble | Monthly | 2nd Monday | 2 - 4 | Rutland Cottage |
Scrabble2 | Monthly | 4th Monday | 2 - 4 | Rutland Cottage |
Table Tennis | Monthly | 2nd Tuesday | 10.00 - 11.00 | Rutland Sports Centre |
Ten Pin Bowling | Monthly | 1st Friday | 12.15 | Ilkeston AMF Bowling |
Ilkeston fire station meetings take place in the Community Room